Taking his 80s skate influences, combined with wicked bold character illustration and plenty of clever punk rock irony D*Face has developed an artist style and street art system that is all his own.
SARA RAHBAR Born 1976, Tehran Iran Sara Rahbar was born in Tehran, Iran in 1976, but both the revolution in Iran and the start of the Iran Iraq war forced her to escape her birthplace. Rahbar went on to study Fine Art in London, and Design in New York. She has been a teaching artist, an art director, a film Photographer and a Production coordinator for various films and documentaries. Rahbar has also been a freelance photographer in Iran for several years. Her work has been shown in galleries and museums worldwide and reviewed and praised in a multitude of prominent publications. Rahbar’s work has been featured on book covers, album covers and film festival posters. She currently lives and works between New York and Iran. http://www.sararahbar.com http://www.myspace.com/sararahbar
魂晩和とばかりに、和食の美味しいお魚屋さんで、気持ちの籠った和な雰囲気の中、話せば話す程に味深い男4人で時間を忘れとても有意義な時空を過ごす事が出来ました。 御誘い頂いた、デカジュン君、YASS-君、有り難う。 そして、陽平君も含めて4人でお酒を交わした会話は久々に心の中に響くものがありました。 同じ世代って良いものですね。 ソファの上で今夜の余韻を楽しみながらキーボードを叩いています。 まぁ、魅せてやりましょうよ〜、これから、これから。 そして、サンフランシスコでの苦楽を共感しているSUZU-君も近い内に絡みましょうね。 是非、面白いアクション興して、リアクションを楽しみましょう。 good times & bad times.....