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Eric Haze - 2009
Born and raised in New York City, Eric Haze has beenmaking his impact felt in the worlds of art, productand graphic design for over 30 years. After spendingthe early 80's on the front lines of the downtown New Yorkart scene, Haze opened his design studio in 1986,becoming one of the first visual artists to define the lookand graphic language of Hip Hop during it's golden years.Some of his most classic works include designs forPublic Enemy, EPMD, LL Cool J, and the Beastie Boys.Haze also founded his own eponymous clothing line in 1993,which remains recognized worldwide as one of the originalbrands that helped create the blueprint for streetwearand urban product as we know it today. Haze studioscontinues to produce a wide range of design work andcollaborations with industry leaders such as Nike, Casio,Honda and Stussy. 2008 also marked Hazeʼs return tothe fine art world with a one man exhibition of new paintingsand drawings at the Museum of Contemporary Art / Hong Kong.Haze currently directs his brand, design and art studiosout of their new Brooklyn headquarters.